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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hey guys. Darren here.

Class chalet ended liao. Was looking forward to it but...Oh yeah before i go on i would like to congratulate "Asser" on his super taiko successful appeal. That someone who swooped classes must love you asser. I really envy you plus you pang seh me in the worst of the worst class but whatever miracles happen. Gratz Asser.

Yeah and class chalet was er...i'll leave for you guys to decide. First of all i met up with marcus and joel to play bball. then we headed to jurong when joel realised he lost his shoebag. So he and marcus go back to lakeside to find while me and zhi hao wait. Then as we were getting on the train my ball(which was strapped by my bag) fell off and comically the doors closed at the same time which left my ball stranded at jurong mrt station.haha. After we went back to get it then it was a grueling 1hour ride and on the way i found out that the reason why i came to the chalet did not come. Sad? You bet i was but hey its not like its the first time this kinda thing happen to me.

Reached chalet in a i wanna go home kind of mood. We checked in settled down in the two room one kitchen two toilet chalet and got ready for the bbq. Was feeling reali super emo though i try not to show it so release my frustrations thru playing my guitar. I even brought my guitar down to the bbq!! Haha you could say im pretty attached to my guitar. BBQed, tok to Eugene, slack, sing songs,eat. Pretty typical bbq but the funny thing is that everyone went upstairs like super fast until only me,bryan,peihan,haisong,magdalene and zhi xian left. And then the people upstairs were complaining of nt enough food while we were dwnstairs at the bbq pit trying desperately to finish up the rest of the food. Felt quite guilty since its only magdalene and zhi xian cooking the food while we just sat and ate...haha. Nvm la if they enjoy cooking then let them knock themselevs out! :P

Oh yes and before the bbq Ben Chia help us all to predict or show our love lives by using a deck of playing cards. My results ( according to ben chia and all the guys in that room ) was creepingly accurate. Well yeah this kind of thing sure got spirits behind it but i dun let cards shape my future. I shape my own future. I decide wat happens between me and her. Not a pack of stupid playing cards.

After the bbq im not quite sure what happened other than i was pretty tired and ended up slping at the blacony with marcus. I dun really like the air-con. But it suks outside just keep getting bitten by mosquitoes.

Day two.

Woke up. wash up. Play guitar then play cards or watever. After which me marcus shao yan and hai song decided to go ehub to play arcade. Arghh me and amrcus almost finished the silent hill game when we ran out of credits...after that went to cycle. haha marcus so funny dunno how to cycle. no lah for a small boy its okay de lol. i thgt i very long nvr ide bike liao sure rusty alr my skills. but strange thing is after i got on the bike my instincts kicked in and i zoomed past hauizong joey xuan hui and shaoyan with ease. cool huh? nvr knew i was such a speed demon lolz.

That night we had a horrible steamboat dinner and got some beer and went back to the room. suddenly everyone was occupied by the beer and hai song vomitted. and some others were pretending to be drunk or watever. Honestly man. Its just beer u won't get drunk with that! stop trying to impress the girls. haix. after that went stargazing at the balcony. had a heart to heart tok with ben chia then went to the beach. what happened there i shan't say. all i can say is i was with yuyun and joel. Some guys getting jealous alr right? haha.

Woke up arnd 9 plus at the balcony again. People(mostly the girls) were opening the balcony door and stare at my sleeping body and go oops and go back. This happened for like 10 over times. so dam irritating. then check out then go home yay!!

Haix why did'nt she come.

7:29 AM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thunder - Boys Like Girls

8:31 AM

Hey peeps Darren here. As usual this gonna be a super long post(as with all of my other posts) so go grab some drinks turn up the volume of the music sit back relax...and try not to fall asleep. Haha.

First i'm gonna start with the saturday Asia Conference with Benny Hinn. Well i did'nt quite know wad to expect except that Benny is a really pro healing evangelist. I read about him online and indeed there were many conspiracies about this man, i guess the devil is trying to bring him down? So there i was singing hymn after hymn after hymn. Then after the offering message the wonders began. He began to start healing people at random and he was just shouting out in the mic that someone was getting healed of watever sickness. Then he went to the choir side and claimed that someone there was healed of a broken hip and asked that person to step forward. The person did'nt want to admit and he finally claimed that if that guy did'nt come out he would drag him out from the choir. At first i thought : this must be a joke. But truly enough this black man stepped out and admitted that he indeed felt the fire of God upon him and was healed of the same thing Benny said he was healed of!! I was stunned. Truly God has no boundaries.

These two days have been quite hiong but fun too since i spent them with none other than the other guy who made this blog. If you dunno who he is go bang ur head on the wall and repent. Well you could say that experience changes people and i was certainly no exception. Just finished playing bravestory on my PSP and finished learnin the song Thunder by boys like girls. These two things have taught me that sometimes letting go is much braver than holding on. Holding on will just cause werewolf to get irritated with me and hate me or smth and cause me to become obsessed hurt confused. I guess there is indeed a season for everything. A time to reap a time to sow. A time of joy and a time of sorrow. Yea maybe we had some good memories last time but if werewolf refuses to accept me as more than a fren then i'm just a fool ramming my head against the wall only to realise that it feels so good when i stop. Indeed letting go takes a lot out of you, it cuts you emotionally and leaves you cold and hurt but time heals all wounds and after time this will be nothing but a memory that you will forget. Don't let yourself be obstructed by that memory. It is nothing but a memory. Your life is not worth living for a single memory. Make the most out of the life God has given you, don't waste it.

Btw i saw something really touching on the net. thought i might share it with u guys
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's 2 scary!
Guy : Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off andput it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl:Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slowdown now! Please!
(in the paper the next day):A motorcycle had crashed into abuilding because of a brake failure.Two people were on it, but only 1had survived .The truth was that halfway down theroad, the guy realized that his brakesbroke, but he didn't want to letthe girl know. Instead, he had her sayshe loved him and felt her hug one last time he had her wear his helmetsothat she would live even though it mean that he would die...

For those who have not heard the song Thunder. Its an awesome song though it kinda reminds me of how it was like with Her. Painful but true. Heres the link : http://www.imeem.com/boyslikegirlsmusic/video/qFGs10b-/boys_like_girls_thunder_music_video/
Sadly it needs two people to sing the song, so i'm training Joel to help me witht he song. The chords are pretty simple. For anyone who wanna learn it go ultimtae guitar to find. Its the tab that starts with the D chord. Good luck. Its a pretty simple song.

I know i promised to write a long post but i feel kinda sian all of a sudden. Haha well fine i shall stop here. Short and sweet. Looking forward to class chalet!! Trying to let go of her.


7:46 AM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey there how ya doing?

Went to watch Madagascar 2 with Chester,Joe,Benn and Ferris last night. It was quite okay...yeah just okay. Not that it wasn't nice, it was good. The only thing is that it did'nt really leave a lasting impression on me. I recommend this movie only if u go watch movie just to kil time or hang out with frens. If u really want a movie that u will not forget so fast then i recommend either Quantum of Solace or if you're really brave then sneak into Saw V.

I'm super friggin tired as i'm writing this post now. Had to wake up at 6 today cuz gotta meet Ferris for breakfast then gotta rush to changi airport to send a friend off to china. Killed time by cracking some dam lame jokes and playing Dj max or watever its called ( Ferris claims his dam pro at it). After that we went to starbucks to teach him guitar, wow its my first time in starbucks sia. High class. Joycelyn was suddenly like dam good? Treated me to cookies and cream thingy with whipped cream or whatever. Dunno whats the name cuz she help me order but thks joyce!
Ferris was a *er hem* fast learner. He managed to learn twinkle little star and how to play the major scale within 2 DAMN HOURS!! Lol. Nvm can't blame people.

After that its off to our very first Asia Conference!!!! WOOTZ. Things started off with a welcome lunch which was a buffet. Cuz me and Ferris came late and we met up with adam and shen so had to share seats with some Taiwan girls from New Life Church. But i dun mind ^^. They were quite chio lol. ^^

Then it was off to our first elective. Namely " choosing the right partner in life" LOL. Pastor shared a joke. There was once a shop which sold husbands. There are different kinds of husbands on every level. The catch is that once u advance up a floor u cannot choose one from the lower levels alr. So this lady went in. The first floor offered guys with jobs. The lady was delighted but was curious what was on the sec level so she decided to take a risk and go up. The sec lvl offered guys with jobs AND loves kids. The lady was overjoyed but she thought what about the rest of the levels and decided to continue. The third level offered gys who had jobs love kids and were good looking too. The lady almost fainted. She thought that this was the best shop in the world! However she once again decided to advance another level. The nxt lvl offered guys with jobs love kids were good looking n did houshehold chores!! The woman was over to moon. But there was a last level. Thinking that the last level must be the best whe went up... The last level had no guys but it had a sign. It reads: You are the 6,442,785,021 woman to reach here. We are sorry that this level does not offer any guys but it serves as a reminder that women can never be pleased. Lol. That is like so true man...haha.

After another elective we had dinner and finally had a night service. The service was in a word : Disappointing. I expected Pastor Kong to have a much better message since today is the opening of such a grand event...Plus we had to queue for like 2 hrs to get in. And when the door opened the people just chionged. The ushers were completely helpless. Its so bad that even if u purposely stop moving, u will still move forward. Plus today accidentally *er hem* touched a lot of people haha. But dun get me wrong! There was this dam chio woman who tried to squeeze past me and purposely use her butt to shove me aside...Wth sia...Of course sure will touch de right...crazy woman...

Well anyways getting late its gonna be 2 A.m. soon. Bye.


9:23 AM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey guys.

For those who think they got balls or just wanna have some fun go to http://www.hotel626.com/
Be warned it is not for the faint hearted and it only can be accessed from 6 pm to 6 am.
Hopefully i won't see your face in the obituaries after this. You have been warned.
Note: If you die during the game just press skip. For the baby part if you dun have a mic connected to ur com then just spin the music box with ur mouse.

Btw, heres a nice band. Its called Dashboard Confessional. Its really nice my fav songs from the group were "stolen" and "hands down". A knew of this band a long time ago but today i suddenly listen their songs for fun and suddenly like them a lot again.

Nothing much happened today, went to peninsula to get acoustic and bass strings. Got D Addario for the acoustics and Rotosound for the bass. Both really good brands. Stupid thing is i dunno how to restring my bass. Gotta wait for my sis bf to restring it for me cuz his a bassist too.



6:07 AM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

WOOOOOO!!!!! My birthday!! lolz...
Went to a restaurant to have lunch with family and relatives to celebrate my bro's baby and my birthday.. eat a great big cake lolz.. lol all my present all ang bao one but a lot of money$$ i rich le lol..
but haiz... sad... quite a number of good friends wished me happy birthday:)
i will stay happy:)

走 L

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6:52 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Heyz Darren here,

This gonna be a super long post cuz im about to reflect on the year 2008. Well this year has its ups and downs just like every other year but i relly thank God for this one. This year in a phrase would be a wake up call. Learned lots of new stuff got to know lots of new people and gained TONS of valuable experience. First of all, I learned tht its really important to set goals for ourselves. Much of my year was wasted cuz i was wondering around in school aimlessly. I really regret that. My attitude was actually those happy-go-lucky kind of attitude which SUCKS. So now i finally got into some shit class( 3s4) buts its too late to regret and who can i blame but myself? Well at least now i know where im headed too, its way too stupid to continue dwelling on the past and emo-ing now. Sounds cliche but : I gotta pick myself up where i first fell down. My motto in sec 3? Don't just survive. Dominate. Every single human being is actually an unstoppable machine capable of doing great things, it just boils down to whether u got the right programming in ur head. We only get to live once, so why not make the most of our lives before we die? Many people(including me) blame God or something else for the situation they are in. Yet what most people dun realize is that they are actually in a pit of quicksand. The longer they drown in self-pity the faster they - well - drown! Literally.

Second of all, be true to yourself. This whole year i felt like i was living a lie. In the eyes of those who don't know me that well, I strive to be this "holy pure christian" which in fact i know i will never be. Every one has their calling so i guess that wasn't mine. It was really a torture trying to pretend to be someone you are not. The reality is that this year i was just this sad insecure little guy who seeks only to be accepted and loved by those around him. Well i suppose the first impression i made upon Her and the people of 2i5 wasn't a very good one but hey who cares im moving on. Oh yes about Her... I guess what wasn't meant to be will never be. I spent a damn lot of this year trying to impress her, please her, thinking about her. All the stupid shit one does when he or she is lovesick. I was really paranoid trying to picture this fantasy that somehow one day we'll be together but this was exactly what dragged the really important things of my life down. My studies, my social life, my music etc. I spent so long hanging on very line she says that i really don't have the energy to do anything else. Over time i grew obsessed - some might even call me a stalker but that was the fool i was back then. Yes letting go is painful but it hurts even more if i continue the way i am. Well if she does somehow like me back then thats great but if she doesn't theres no point wasting my life away for someone who won't benefit me anyway. Sounds selfish but yeah. Lol.

This year had its ups too of course. Im sure many of you will know but...I WON FUHUA TALENQUEST 2008 CHAMPION!! haha. Music is the only thing right now that i will really be serious about apart from studies of course. I don't care i may be ugly, lame, whatever they wanna say but i am talented and unique in God's eyes and thats all that really matters to me.

Finally i want to thank all my friends this year who have helped me become who i am today. I want to thank chester and karis especially because i guess they are the only two who are really true to me. I want to thank Her for teaching me a valuable lesson and last but not least God. For opening my eyes and making me see that im not the failure i think i am.

God bless all those who read this post. Amen.

6:54 AM

Darren Toh
Joel Lee


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